Saturday, February 23, 2008


Okay, I have been tagged. Now, I said that I would never do one of these things, but my husband is studying and I am super bored, so I thought that I would make my sister here we go:

10 years ago: I was making the big step from elementary school to junior high!! I really did not have a best friend, or any friends really for that matter, because I was quite mean ( but that soon changed, no worries I am not mean anymore)!!

Snacks I enjoy: Donuts, oreo cookies, brownies, and cheesy puffs!

5 Things on my to-do-list:
1. Read my scriptures (I am trying to do the Hinckley challenge)
2. Prepare for my primary lesson
3. Go to the grocery store
4. Take a shower
5. Spend time with my husband

Things I Would do if I were a billionaire:
1. First and most importantly, 10% goes to the man upstairs!
2. I would pay off Ben's school loans
3. Shop, shop, and shop some more
4. Travel
5. Give some to my family
6. Invest (that one is for Justin)

3 of my bad habits:
1. I am a hypochondriac, if I hear about a disease I have it, even if there is no way I could possibly have it ( I think that it runs in the family, ex: Ariane thinking she has an enlarged prostate)
2. I am OCD (it also runs in the family). Everything has to be clean, if it is not I can not sleep, I just lay in bed and think about everything that is dirty, it drives Ben nuts!!
3. Now I do not think this last one is bad, but Ben sure hates it, I have a habit of being very sarcastic. When we first started dating Ben almost broke up with me because he could not handle all of the sarcasm, but I think that he is learning to love it!

5 Places that I have lived:
1. Las Vegas, NV
2. Cedar City, UT
3. Provo, UT
4. Henderson, NV
5. San Fransisco, CA

Jobs I have had:
1. File clerk at the federal building in Vegas
2. Nanny
3. Accounting assistant
4. Admissions at a rec center
5. Doctors assistant

Things people do not know about me:
1. I love to watch Gems TV. I never knew this channel existed until I came to San Francisco, but now I am obsessed, one day I will actually purchase something form this show!
2. I also love Judge Judy!! I do not know what it is about her, but every night at 7:30pm her show comes on, and I totally look forward to it.
3. I really only wear the colors brown, blue, white, and occasionally black. I have a really hard time wearing anything outside these colors. I buy different color clothing with the intention of breaking out of my ways, but they always end up collecting dust at the back of my closet, I really need to change this, perfectly good clothes are going to waste!
4. I am a perfectionist. I have a hard time starting a project, or any other thing because if it does not turn out perfect it will just ruin my day. This is probably why I am not as crafty as I wish I were, I need perfection!!
5. I love to read other people's blogs, I think that it is just so much fun, I can spend so much time just looking at blogs!! This is a side note, but I love how this blog world is becoming such a trend with the Peterson side of the family, I am getting caught up with so many people!!

Okay, now I hope that you are happy Ariane!
I was not going to tag anyone, but I figure if I had to do it, why shouldn't others, so I tag Bekah, Diana, Rachel, and Jen. Have Fun!!!


Rachel said...

So I am super bored too. Somehow Saturday nights alone with a 2 year old and no husband are not the right ingredients for a party. Oh, by the way Shaniqua, you, sarcastic?! Who would think that? And Judge Judy? I think that is the worst show ever! She's so mean! I'm glad that you did the tag. I just did a tag like that so if you look back several posts you will see it. Love ya!

Bekah said...

one two three not it!! Ummm... soo I'm pretty sure I'm on base... so you can't tag me! :-P

P.S. note to Ben- I see nothing wrong with sarcasm or laying in bed at night wondering what things need to be cleaned! Haha!

P.P.S Dinner? Sunday? Our house? 5:30 (don't complain that it is late...seriously take a nap...)

Kerstin said...

I am so glad that you posted this. It made me laugh out loud at a few parts. Also I love the Peterson sarcasm.

Unknown said...

1. I never actually thought I had an enlarged prostate! That was supposed to be a joke (you say you're sarcastic, but apparently you don't understand it)! :)

2. If you have a ton of clothes gathering dust in your closet, send them my way Boo! I am always in the mood for new clothes (especially from someone with great taste)!

3. You made my day with your blog! Thanks for doing it. It was about time you updated anyway!

4. I can't wait to see you in a month! I'm so excited (pretend I am Jessie Spano singing that song - that's how excited I am)!

zachley said...

I'm glad that you answered the questions, they made me laugh...and I do remember Ariane thinking she had prostate cancer, hahaha. I can't wait til we are "reunited" as well (you can pretend I am Jessie Spano singing "reunited and it feels so good"...even though she never sang that song, oh well)

love ya tons

Sarah Larsen said...

Look at everything I just learned :)

Jen said...

Brown is the new black. And I used to try to buy clothes that would break me out of my color rut, and I never used them. So I have just accepted that I am mono-coloric (new word) and that's ok. So I support you only wearing a few colors because, let's be honest, you wear those colors so well.

Bekah said...

Hmmm... i'm still "not it" :-) P.S when are we going to watch Pride and Prejudice?? This weekend??

Bekah said...

What? You've been in a fight with me and I didn't know? Man- i've been missing all the fun:-) Haha dork!! Yeah- my phones been broken since Saturday and it sucks... I feel totally disconnected to the world. What's new with you?

Jen said...

The Gem Channel? I am going to have to hear more about that one.

Diana Hulme said...

Hello? Long lost friend? I haven't seen you in ages! Sorry I missed you on Sunday. :)

Unknown said...

Okay Boo, I updated my blog. So now you have to update yours too!!

Sarah Larsen said...

Pretty sure it's time for a new post :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is really cute! I have the same cleaning thing as well... I can't concentrate unless the environment around me is clean. Right now... I definitely have to get some things cleared up, it's making me nervous! :o) Well, I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!