Sunday, August 8, 2010

First day at home

Even though Max has only been around for just a few short days, he has stolen our hearts, and we cannot get enough of this little guy!! Just a few points to note, mostly for me so that I always remember Max's first appearance into the world. On Thursday August 5th, my doctor took pity on me and said that I could be induced, however, Max also took pity, and decided the fifth was a good day for him too. My water broke around 11:30am, but I was expecting a huge gush, and it was not, so I thought I peed my pants, so, I went on like any other day except I was a little bummed I peed myself. Ben went to school in the morning, and I just got ready to go to the hospital, expecting to be admitted sometime in the evening. Ben came home for lunch, and then I took him back to school to finish his day around 1:30pm. When I got home I stupidly thought I peed myself again, and by this time I was getting a little frustrated that I had lost all control over my bladder!! Luckily, I have a really smart sister and smart mother who told me that my water broke and I needed to go to the hospital. So, I called Ben and told him he needed to come home and go to the hospital because I was in labor. Then, I started having contractions, which started off not too bad, and about six minutes apart. We kept timing the contractions (thanks Diana), until they were about three minutes apart, and Ben and I set off around 4:00pm. Well, when we got to the hospital my contractions were 1 minute apart, and I was dilated to a seven, and I have never wanted an epidural more!! Ben was soooo great and I could not have gotten through the pain without him!! They finally gave me an epidural around 6:00pm, and in a matter of minutes I went from being dilated from a seven to a nine. Well, Max was not too happy with that and his heart rate dropped, so much so, that they wheeled me into the operating room, and I was surrounded by so many doctors, nurses, and anestesiologists. I had no idea what was happening, and Ben was left behind in the room totally clueless himself. Just as they were going to "prep me for surgery" Max decided to get his heart rate up again, and they let me continue without the c-section. About an hour later his heart rate dropped again and everyone ran into the room again, and this time Ben was by my side, they had me sign a release for the c-section, and I was trying to wrap my head around the idea. However, Max again had a different idea, and his heart rate went up to normal again. I stayed in the O.R. for another 2 hours, fully dilated, because every time I would push his heart rate would drop. Finally, his head was down and they wheeled me into a normal room (it was around 9:00pm). At around this time my Mom showed up, having just flown in from Vegas (thanks Bekah and Kyle), and this is when Max decided he finally wanted to make his appearance (she should have shown up earlier)!! There were about five doctors, four nurses, and two pediatricians in the room because they were expecting the cord to be wrapped around his neck, but after about ten good pushes he came out crying, and perfectly healthy!!! I am sooo blessed to have my healthy, albeit stubborn, little boy home!! I am also soooo grateful for my wonderful husband who has been by my side the whole way, and my biggest cheerleader!! Both Ben and I have been so blessed to have my Mom here, she is the best Grammy ever, and has such a way with Max, that I am going to have to have her live here (sorry Dad)!!!


Katie said...

Congrats! He is adorable and you are a champ for not losing it during all the delivery drama! Best of luck in the coming days.

Kerstin said...

He is SO HANDSOME! I wish I could be there to meet him. I am glad that everything turned out well with your delivery and that Max made it here safely.I am glad you want to have a lot of kids because if Max is any indication they will all be ADORABLE!:)

B&K said...

He's such a beautiful baby boy!! Thanks for letting us be apart of your very special day! Can't wait to visit you three very soon...PS do you need meals???

Unknown said...

Yay, good pictures! I love him and can't wait to meet him (because I'm going to campain hard for favorite aunt)!

zachley said...

I'm so happy for all the pics! I cant wait to see you all in about a week (I want to change my flight now)!!

p.s. ariane, i'm already the favorite aunt

Diana Hulme said...

SO adorable. SO SO SO adorable!!! glad everything worked out & you both are healthy. let me know if you need anything!

Maren and Rik said...

Congrats! He's way cute! That's quite the crazy story. I'm glad in the end all was well. That is so nice your mom is there. That helps out so much. Good luck!

Jana said...

He is such a handsome little baby! I can't wait to come over and hold him :) Let us know when you're up for visitors!! Hope you're feeling well!

Jen said...

Wow, that's quite a story. I'm so glad everything went well. Your "I peed my pants" comments made me laugh.

Congratulations! He's a very cute baby.

Our Little Family said...

I kept thinking about you and the baby, and never thought to check your blog till today!!! YAY!! He is so cute!! Can't wait till we can hang out all day with our babies!!!!

Audiologie said...

So cute! Keep that grammy around as long as you can! I am so glad all is well and that you did not pee your pants.

The Houston Family said...

OK the audiology one is from me. My babysitter was signed in on my computer and I didn't notice. Oops.

Loupe and Aaron said...

Sorry it took me so long to post. First congratulations!! Max is adorable!!!! Second- holy crap that is quite the labor story. I'm glad you didn't have to have a c section. Were you in a teaching hospital because I can't think of anywhere else that would have that many doctors willing to be in the room (so nice though!!). Congrats again!!!