Thursday, November 15, 2007

Things I am thankful for

Well, Since I am really good at being a follower,and have been recieving mean comments to update my site, I thought that I would compose a list of what I am thankful for, so here it goes.....

1. I am so so grateful for my lovely husband Ben. He is truly my best friend and I am so grateful that he is my eternal companion. I love his dedication to school, and especially his dedication to me (that's all that matters)! He is always there for me, and can really cheer me up when I am down.

2. My wonderful and talented sisters. I love them SO much. I look up to them and ever since I can remember I have wanted to be just like them. They have taught me so much in my life, whether by example or through there great wisdom they have so willingly imparted on me.

3. My parents. They have been such great examples to me! Their love for the gospel and their constant willingness to sacrifice their time and money for me and whoever else is in need has been such a great blessing.

4. I am grateful for great brothers who are priesthood holders!

5. I am so grateful for my beautiful nieces and nephews. I love talking to them on the phone, and especially enjoy seeing them whenever I can. They are all so fun and I can tell that they will be super smart, and definite heart breakers!!

6. I am grateful for great sister-in-laws. I have been blessed with five wonderful new sisters ( and still counting). I love talking and getting to know each one and I love all of the new advice I am receiving!!!

7. I am grateful for hot showers!! It has been foggy and cold here, and this kind of weather just chills me to the bones. So every night when I get home from a long day at work I head straight to the shower. I get the water so hot that it sometimes hurts, but oh it's a lovely hurt!

8. Now, this one is going to come as a shocker to my closest family and friends, but I am so grateful for bedtime! My favorite time of night is after a long day and a lovely shower slipping into my 400 count sheets (I hate being poor) and going to bed!! I seriously count down the minutes until it is 8:00pm so that I can experience this sweet pleasure (I wait until it is 8:00 because I feel if I go to bed any early it would be taboo, and I would be really pathetic)!

Now I have many many more things that I am grateful for, but unfortunatly I am at work (defintly NOT one of the things I am grateful for), and so I must get back to work.
Thank you Ariane and Kerstin, I have been feeling a little down latley and when I saw your guys blogs I thought I should stop looking at what I do not have and start being grateful for what I do have, and I feel much better!!


Unknown said...

Tender! I love your list! You like bedtime? I had no idea! XOXO

Kerstin said...

Such a great list Anisha...oh and the sleeping thing. I usually love the time after I put the kids to bed because I can relax and watch tv but lately I look forward to putting them to bed because I just want to get to sleep.

Rachel said...

Anish, that is so pathetic that you go to bed at 8pm. That's what time my 2 year old goes to bed! But then you were always one for naps and sleeping. I almost forgot that about you until I read that part.

Unknown said...

I can relate to the hot shower thing. Of course I go one better as I like to take a book into the shower with me and read. It is usually the scriptures and as you can imagine my "shower set" of scriptures look kind of wrinkled. I am a bit envious about the whole going to bed at 8 o'clock thing too.