Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Happenings

Max bein happy hangin in his p.j.s
One of his favorite places to hang out is under our table
Max is such a big helper when in comes to unloading the dishwasher, and...
going to the store, and....
holding my beverages, and....
helping fold the laundry, and....
make dinner!
Few, after a long hard day of doing all his chores, he is tuckered out.
He also needs to refuel with a much needed mouthful of cheese
Oh and this pic is out of order but he also helps find the lids for our pans, he is such a goooood boy!!!

Well, here are some pics to show what we have been up to, Max is getting bigger and more independent, and at times that is a good thing, but at other times it can be quite annoying, either way we are enjoying being a family of 3, until April when are world will be turned upside down with baby boy #2!!!


B&K said...

Yay a blog!! Max you are such an amazing helper!!! <3 <3

Unknown said...

About freakin' time! Love the post, Max looks just like you in that first picture. Also, that mouthful of cheese picture just might be my new favorite ever! I laughed out loud when I saw it.

Jen said...

The picture of his with his cheeks full of cheese is just so cute. As is he.

Also, congrats on boy #2! How fun for them to have a brother.

Lisa and Mark said...

i miss max. i feel like max is my friend, too.

Sarah and Scott said...

looks like Max is such a helper :) Congrats on baby #2!

The Houston Family said...

Congrats! You really need to post more!