Monday, November 26, 2012

Picture overload

Since it is late, and people really only care to look at my cute kids, and not my witty writing, I shall oblige!

 Love my boy, special thanks to my parents for donating/making our table and bench it is max proof)
 He is getting soooo big, I tell Ben it is time for another one, but he says I need to find another donor, so I am accepting applications
 Family pic at Disneyland, I might be biased, but we are one attractive family!!
 Mom and Dad finishing their bike race, they did amazing!!!
 Max is such a gentleman, always there to escort a damsel across the street
 Aunt Ash and the boys at the beach
 Always there to lend a hand ( this pic was taken right before Max swung Liam into the door frame...ooops)
 Triplets I tell you, I swear I was prego with these boys, I have stretch marks to prove it
 He loved the pony ride at the pumpkin patch, well worth the $6
 Trick or treating, unfortunately he did not last long, so the loot was pretty sparse, next year he is not aloud back in the house until his bag is full, and he is only aloud to get good candy, the kid would pick out the nastiest candy (i.e. bit o honey, that is for you Lisa) I was ashamed as a mother
 Takin his friends scooter for a ride
 Bath time with his future wife
 Liam loves him some Opal (he likes the cougars)
 Lovin the arcades
 Riding the rocket ship at Disneyland
 At the cabin, they are best of friends (at least when Max is acknowledging Liam's presence, and not "accidentally" sitting on his face)
 Like father like son
 Family pic preview
Sexy Sexy

P.S. I am going to be ambitious this year and mail out Christmas cards, if you would like one (I promise you will want to frame this card on your wall) please send me your mailing address

Monday, June 18, 2012

Max and Liam

Maybe it is just me, but Max and Liam look soooo similar (I will let you guess which 2 are Max and which 2 are Liam)!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Life with Liam

Life has been pretty great here since the arrival of little Liam, he is such a chill baby, which is good, because Max is quite demanding these days!!  The transition from one kid to two was not as bad as I thought it would be, thanks in part to such great family for all your help and support!!! I cannot believe it has already been two months!!! Now, what you have all been waiting for pics of my children.....

 First time in the stroller
 He looks just like Max
 First family pic
 So precious, i too get the best sleep on Grammys chest

 Just chillin at Aunt Ash and Uncle Zac's sweet pad

This was when we brought Liam home, as you can see Max could care less.
